Sunday, May 24, 2020

Organizational Culture An Organization - 1303 Words

Culture, a multi-dimensional notion that resides in all individuals, yet is also the same hidden force that separates most behavioral patterns seen inside and outside of organizations (Schein, 2004). Understanding organizational culture is important because it aids in the awareness of the life of an organization, which is relative since it is believed that organizational culture impacts the performance of an enterprise, but just as leadership plays a vital in creating the organization’s culture, they are also essential in how successful the business is during times of change. In effective leadership, one of the most critical features noted is change, but being able to manage change is probably one of the most important, yet difficult†¦show more content†¦Why Change? Change is the only thing constant on Earth, and although organizational change is easy to talk about, it is also hard to acknowledge and accept the value that it could potentially bring. In today’s businesses, it is evident that there is a need to adapt to changing environments as companies expand globally (Demers, 2007). Some external factors that prompt change are technological, economic, social, and political; internal factors include size, age, financial losses, and need to grow (Kushalappas Pakkeerappa, 2014). Managing change is probably one of the most important, yet difficult issues in managing an organization. Thus, being able to keep up with change is not only important for sustainability, but also for success. Effective Change Leader Characteristics In creating and maintaining a change-oriented organization, leadership plays a vital role. Such is stated due to the reasoning’s that leadership equates to power, a specific skill-set and influence (Kushalappas Pakkeerappa, 2014). However, being that leaders are the main role models for change, a vision, communication, trust, motivation, and openness are attributes (ranked from highest to lowest) a change leader should possess in order to be effective. Vision True leadership requires a vision. A vision can also be looked at as a mental picture that is painted of what the leader wants to achieve. It can help to provide significance, meaning and purpose, and are critical in the

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